The Online Learning Platform for
Academic Institutions
  • If you are a school or a college seeking to improve student performance, then it’s time to supplement your classroom teaching with Entrayn.
  • Students will grasp the toughest concepts and get all their questions clarified without hesitation.
  • Parents and teachers love Entrayn too, as they can now track each child’s progress with ease and this makes their lives a whole lot easier!
I can learn from any convenient location - even on the move! I can study at my own pace and time, so I learn much better! 24x7 access to all the content helps me revise and practice till I absorb each concept! I receive one-to-one guidance that may not be possible even in regular classes! I get doubts clarified as and when they arise. I create a question once - reuse it how many ever times I want! There are question banks in which I can store all my questions. I am able to remove the repetitive part of teaching and allocate more time to improve my students' performance. I supplement live class room teaching with an online platform and use technology to effectively teach my students. You can increase the student-teacher ratio, without in any manner compromising the quality of instruction. In fact, you can enhance the learning experience for your students and the teaching experience for your teachers! We can gift our child with a high quality education and easily track of his progress throughout the year!